
Creativity stars when language ends‧

                                                                                                              ~David Apel,perfumer


Ceaetivity is when you expect nothing , are available for everything and make choices

with your heart more than with your head...

                                                                                                               ~Daniel Giel,Dancer


Ceativity is passion without desire‧

                                                                                                                ~Markram Elkadi,Archtect


Creativity is doubt and believe in oneself‧

                                                                                                                 ~Andre Metzger,Illusrator


Ceativity is getting the use of something more essential from inside of myself through growth in a craft‧

                                                                                                                 ~Philip Perkis , Photographer


Ceativity is simplicity that moves people‧

                                                                                                                ~Jennifer Rexford,Professor of   

                                                                                                                   Computer Science

Creativity is growth through optimism and altruism‧

                                                                                                                  ~Jaya Mathangi



Creativity has an aura of naive‧

                                                                                                                   ~Della Chuang







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